The 1482 Mile Journey

Don has had a rather interesting week.  He left early Monday morning for a job north of town and then took off for Wyoming that same day.  He got to his halfway point by Monday night and then finished the long drive to his destination on Tuesday only to find out there were some issues with communication.  The guy that asked Don’s shop to send him there hadn’t talked to the guy that knew his services weren’t needed yet and so Don’s arrival came as a bit of a shock to the guy that knew Don wasn’t needed yet and that just happened to be the first guy Don ran into.   He couldn’t believe he had just driven 741 miles to a job site for ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!  Due to the fact that he was beat from driving for two days to get there he checked into a hotel and decided that if he left super early in the morning for his trip back home, he could probably accomplish it in one day.

Due to the fact that it was such a nice day, Don decided to drive with the window down but several hundred miles into the journey he opted to roll it back up.  He had his reasons and I’m thinking I would have done the very same thing.  The nice day was nice as was the open window until a bee hit the side mirror on the pickup, realized it must have been in a hostile situation so it turned itself into a stinger first position before it smashed into Don’s cheek and then ended it’s kamikaze mission inside his shirt pocket.  He was in a bit of shock from what had just happened but realized he needed to take care of the bee just in case it survived it’s mission and had a second stinger.  He mimicked his motions when he got home and it almost appeared that he was attempting to put out a fire.  We both laughed and were very thankful he didn’t have a terrible reaction from the sting.  The first picture he sent had me very concerned but he agreed to give me updates and by the time he got home things were much better.

He sprawled out on the couch and asked me if I had any idea what over 1400 miles of sitting does to a pair of butt cheeks over the course of three days.  I didn’t have an immediate response so he told me in great detail and it was just a bit different than what my guess would have been!   His wallet is very thick and he sometimes forgets to remove it from his pocket which would have definitely made things worse but on a long trip like this his butt cheek had a lot of time to remind him to take it out of his pocket.

All in all it wasn’t a bad three days.  He arrived at his destination safely,  he returned home safely and everything above and below his “cheeks” looked exactly the same as before he left.

We both agreed not to utter that two word question that fate will always answer each and every time it’s asked.  I’m just happy he’s home, if only for a few hours.  There’s nothing better than sitting at my computer until midnight knowing those restful noises coming from the other room are proof that love is alive and here with me.

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