Betsy & Buzz

I just finished mowing and trimming the lawn.  

Did you notice there was no comma after the word lawn?  Today my blood pressure stayed normal.  I don’t have a headache.  I harbor no resentment towards the equipment I used and it took less than an hour of my time.

I’m sure I have all of you fellow lawn mowers curious as to why mowing the lawn didn’t require a comma in the first sentence followed by a lengthy account of what transpired, causing me more stress than anyone should ever have while attempting to mow some grass, right?  Well, here’s the answer.  Don is gone a lot and I’m not so when it’s time to mow I’m usually the one that is home to do it.  He’s very knowledgeable when it comes to fixing things but due to the fact that “Half Yard” had been mowing the whole yard for 12 years, he decided to override the overhaul notion and replaced “Half Yard” with a brand new lithium battery powered mower!  We named her Betsy and man, can she mow!  If it wasn’t for Betsy I’m quite sure the gray hair I dyed last week would have resisted the color and then explained that it was going to come right back anyway when lawn mowing day rolled around.

Now, we have a lithium powered trimmer and mower.  They’re lightweight, they perform well and they have turned me into someone that actually looks forward to yard work!  We weren’t exactly sure how long Betsy would last on one fully charged battery as the first time we recruited her services neither of the batteries were fully charged.  Today they were but I only took one of them with me and I found out Betsy has a sense of humor.  I had one pass to finish in the front yard about 4′ long and maybe 8″ wide and she died.  I could have gone inside to get her other battery but instead I grabbed “Buzz” and let him finish it off!

In general, I’m a pretty low maintenance kind of girl and I like to think I’m easy to please but when it comes to stubborn motors and pulling ropes and gas cans I may possibly be Don and any gas powered engine’s worst nightmare.  There’s no going back now.  Lithium batteries are now my best friend and today, there was a whole lot of happy going on!

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