It Has Nothing To Do With Vanity

Yesterday when Don and I were driving to the mower store, I took a look at my face in the visor mirror as I was finally having a “good hair” day and I said, “You’re beautiful, yes you are!” and then I snapped the visor back into place and tossed a glance in Don’s direction.  He laughed and told me he loved me and before long we were at our destination.   I’ve never done anything like that before but after the fact I got to thinking about how nice it was to hear those positive words even if they were coming out of my own mouth .  Could it be I’ve finally reached a point in my life that I honestly, wholeheartedly and unconditionally love myself?  How cool would that be?  For years I’ve been incredibly insecure and even though the people I grew up around were encouraging in every way possible, I didn’t believe anything they said.  I’ve discounted myself for as many things as I could possibly come up with and there have been others along the way that have solidified my notions as well as adding a few of their own.  It hasn’t been easy but it has definitely helped me to form a certain degree of resiliency and that is what has gotten me to the place I am.

After purchasing my early birthday present (A battery powered lawn mower we named Betsy), we  hopped in the pickup and headed to the destination of our next errand and I told Don,  “I don’t know if I’ve ever been happier in my life.”  I’ve never been good when it comes to making the right choices for myself and up to this point I’m pretty sure I’ve made a lot of the wrong ones and one of them was believing I’m not a beautiful person with more to offer this world than this world might be ready for!  I compare myself to the spinach seeds I planted last week.  For years I’ve been the seed sitting in the “soil” waiting someone else to break through that tough outer shell for me when what really needed to happen was something I had the power to do myself since the day I was born!

Don’t wait for someone to tell you you’re beautiful….look in the mirror to your own soul.  It’s then and only then that you’ll see what you need to believe!

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