Shame On The Door Dingers & Kamikaze Pedestrians

When you go from living in a tiny little town to a big city there are all sorts of things you begin to notice.  What you are about to read are accounts of my frustrations as far as careless people and cars and parking lots go and I’m just a bit upset!

Frustration Number 1:  When you park your car next to another, are you careful when you open your door?  I realize accidents happen and sometimes the wind is a factor but as a rule, we need to be more respectful of other people’s property and door dings that could have been prevented are one big SHAME ON YOU if you let them happen.  Shape up.  Behave yourself and be more careful!  I have a door ding on my car the size of a golf ball and the gutless person that allowed it to happen never took responsibility for it and the only way I can get it fixed is to take $500 out of my pocket for my insurance deductible and risk having my rates increase and that just isn’t right.

Frustration Number 2:  When you get out of your car and walk towards a store entrance, do you walk without pausing until you reach the door or do you look to see if there are cars coming from either or both directions and wait for them to pass before proceeding?

I’m not sure why but common sense is no longer common.  Every time I drive into a busy parking lot there are people crossing in front of me without even the slightest bit of hesitation.  I suppose I should take it as a compliment that they are so trusting that I won’t run them over but do you suppose they have ever thought about what could happen?  Accelerators can stick, people can have heart attacks or unexpected seizures, they can be drunk or high or maybe they just dropped their cell phone and decide to take their eyes off the road for just a second to pick it up and they hit your ridiculously impatient and entitled butt….then what?   You’d probably sue them and everyone else you could think of if you’re still alive but there isn’t enough money in the world to buy back everything that 4000 pound vehicle will take away from you as a result of your carelessness and lack of common sense.

I know I can’t change the world or the way people think or behave but I can say I’d rather pause for oncoming motorists and delay my shopping for a few seconds than find out what the underside of an SUV looks like due to the fact that it’s parked on top of me.  Just sayin.

No, I’m not in a bad mood.  I watched a few Judge Judy’s earlier and her courtroom is filled with door dingers and kamikaze pedestrians every day and they upset her even more than they upset me.  I can’t say I don’t make mistakes but I do respect other people’s property and I do yield the right of way to oncoming traffic and I hope you do too!


2 responses to “Shame On The Door Dingers & Kamikaze Pedestrians”

  1. I so agree and have u noticed that people in big cities are rude??? In small town USA we wave to everyone(even if we don’t know them) and talk to each other (strangers included) —but I have found that if u try that in a bigger city–they look at u like u r crazy. Well maybe I am–but I will continue to say HI and smile–doesn’t cost a thing to be pleasant. love ur stories–keep up the goos work!!!

    • For the most part, the people I’ve dealt with here are very pleasant most of the time but the ones I see walking across traffic lanes and the ones that dent cars are never going to rank very high on my “like” list. I have given up on waving. It loses it’s impact when no one ever waves back. Thanks for your input and the nice compliment! 🙂 I will continue to write for as long as I have readers!

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