The Media’s Ahh-Gender

Not often will you hear me discussing anything that is being broadcast on the news or in magazines as I try to avoid as much negative media coverage as I can and the last time I checked, the negative coverage sort of outweighs the positive.  I run into a bit of news on Facebook from time to time and that is what inspired this post.

After seeing bits and pieces of the Bruce Jenner turned Caitlyn Jenner story,  I must say I will be very relieved when the publicity dies down.  His journey has most likely been extremely difficult and the fact that he chose to become a woman is his business.  I read a story about him/her earlier that I ran across on Facebook entitled, “Bruce Jenner is not a hero” and the writer made some valid points.  Her post received a ton of comments, most were controversial which came as no shock to me and as I picked through a few of them I realized a very simple truth.  What he did was his choice and I would love to not know anything about it but he’s a celebrity. What’s unfortunate about celebrities is the fact that they relinquish the ownership of their existence once their fame is established.  It appears their adoring, idolizing fans own them and they have almost no chance of keeping any part of their world private.   I’m sure she’s a really great person and only she and her family will ever really know what it takes to adapt to the changes that can’t be performed by surgeons.

Stories like this rock the world and bring about an avalanche of opinions based on varying amounts of knowledge and lack thereof, but the bottom line remains the same.  We are all responsible for our own happiness and everyone has their own ideas on how to accomplish just that.

My route to happiness is a little garden spot tilled up in our back yard.  Not that we were trying but it ended up about the size of a human grave.  I suppose if my name was Kim Kardashian I would have “some splainin’ to do” when staff members from the National Enquirer arrived wondering who I might have buried in my back yard!  I have always thought I would like to be rich and famous one day but after typing this post I’ve decided I sort of like having a grave sized garden that the whole world doesn’t need to know anything about….okay, almost the whole world but you won’t tell anybody, right?

(I can’t believe I used Kim Kardashian in one of my posts but I couldn’t think of another “celebrity” that gets more media attention than her.  I see it and I’m one that avoids media coverage!)

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