Ouch, ouch, ouch…

So far this morning I’ve managed to navigate from the bathroom…ouch, ouch, ouch, to the kitchen…ouch….ouch, and from the kitchen…ouch, to the office and here I sit.  I don’t “love” to complain but I’m not going to rule out “liking” it, at least once in awhile.  I’m not a huge fan of doctors so I avoid them as much as possible.  They sort of fall into the same category as the news for me and rather than fill my mind with a bunch of negative thoughts, they fill me with a bunch of “positive” results that eventually lead to a plethora of colorful pills I get to sort into a little “days of the week” container so I don’t forget what I took and when.  Now, don’t get me wrong.  I realize prescription medications can be incredibly beneficial and quite necessary to sustain an equilibrium in many daily lives and for that, I am very thankful.  I also believe doctors prescribe medications for a vast number of patients when a healthier diet and more exercise would do the trick as they know people gravitate towards the easiest and quickest fixes.

For several months my ankle has been giving me a bit of grief which explains the “ouches” I typed earlier and I suppose I should have it checked out but who doesn’t have something that hurts?  I just added it to my ongoing list of other pain and life goes on.   It gets a break from the cartilage crushing concrete floors I tromp on every day when I park my derriere in front of my computer and that seems to help.  Last night after work I decided to run a quick errand and sometimes, after being on my feet all day I almost can’t bend at the hip to get myself into my car.  It’s the weirdest feeling not to mention that it hurts like crazy!   I know I’m getting older but have you ever wondered if you were going to be able to sit down?   Experiences like this have helped me to realize we take way too much for granted!

My joints all decided my ankle was lonely last night so each and every one of them ached in unison with it on my way home from work like they do almost every day and I suppose I could complain but on a positive note, they help me to realize I’m alive and moving and living life and developing a more compassionate heart that will be better prepared to embrace the souls of those who suffer more.

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