The “Cheeseburger” Payment Option

I’m sure you’ve had experiences that will most likely stay with you for the rest of your life.  As I grow older, I’ve noticed my memory isn’t what it was when I was in my 20’s but my niece said something last night that tickled me and I am quite certain this is one that is going to stay with me for a very long time.  I must share.

My niece Andrea, her husband Shawn and I were having a conversation when my other niece, Allison, walked up and started rubbing Andrea’s back.  When she walked away Andrea said, “When Shawn rubs my back he always asks what I plan to do for him and I usually say, let me think about it.”  There was a short pause and then she said, “Sometimes I get him a cheeseburger.”

I am not sure why that struck me so funny but it did.  Not long after that conversation another one got started with Allison.  I ended up telling her about the “cheeseburger” payment option for back rubs which she enjoyed and together we had another great laugh.

As I was getting ready to leave the party we had all gathered together for, I noticed my niece, April, rubbing Allison’s back and as I was walking out the door I made eye contact with Allison and said, “I’m not 100% sure but you might owe her a cheeseburger….just sayin!”  And we laughed again!

Now, I have no idea who was president when the astronauts landed on the moon and I no longer have the words memorized to the Gettysburg Address but I do love to laugh and I can say with confidence that I will never forget there are people in this world that accept cheeseburgers as payments for back rubs and they are my kinda people!!!

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