Monday Hates Me

My existence was much less hectic today.  Yesterday had several flaws.  It started bad and ended weird and all I can say is Monday hates me.

Due to the fact that it was the anniversary date of my dad’s death, it got off to a somewhat emotional start.  Once Don headed off to work I decided to get his packing started for a work trip and found some women’s pajamas in his suitcase from his last work trip that weren’t mine.  I went to work and while at the registers, I rang up a sale and entered “cash” as the payment method instead of “check” and during my attempt to fix this blunder the register locked up and forced me to sweet talk the very patient and kind customer into sticking around for just a few more minutes.  Later on I got locked out of the management access to some of the programs needed to finish a number of end of day tasks which translated very poorly in my already overwhelmed and depressed brain.  Monday left me feeling as if the sky, was indeed falling and there was nothing I could do to stop it.

Today I woke up fearing I would be attempting to remove all the rumble on top of me when the sky fell but much to my amazement, the sky was just where Monday left it.  Another thing that impressed me is something Annie has said for years, “The sun will come out tomorrow!” and it did.  Don was able to convince me I didn’t have Alzheimer’s, that he never shops for me at thrift stores, that he isn’t a cross dresser and that he definitely thought those darn mint green pajamas were mine and I got my management access back after one very quick call to Matt in Systems Support.   I ended up having a very nice conversation with a customer too as she searched for her fabric coupons.  I had to help her just a bit and then said, “Our store loves for you to save money.  We’re sort of like the Hokey Pokey….saving you money, that’s what we’re all about!”  The laughter that rolled out of that woman was enough to loosen the snow caps on the mountains in Alaska! Had I tried a line like that yesterday I would have probably gotten beat with a shopping bag and ran over with the cart!  What a difference a day can sometimes make! Tuesday, you are my friend!

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