Should I Keep Typing?

Hi!  How are you today?  I’m actually doing quite well.  After surviving a rather generic day at work I came home and started supper.  I spent some very quality time with my handsome man but bedtime for him arrived and he’s sound asleep.  I wasn’t quite ready to join him so I’ve been sitting at my computer.   After surfing the internet and traipsing through Facebook in an attempt to come up with a post for my blog I realized something.   The information you read here probably isn’t going to benefit your life in any way.   Are you okay with that?   It won’t cure anything nor will it be a place where you’ll read about health issues and ways to deal with them.  It won’t encourage you to lose weight or get fit.  It won’t offer advice on bad habits.  It won’t let you know about anything that is happening in the news due to the fact that I avoid the news in as many ways as I possibly can.  It won’t list step by step instructions on how to build a space ship.  It won’t show you how to stop a run in your hose.  It won’t list several ways to stop the itch of a mosquito bite.  It’s won’t list what to do and what not to do when searching for Bigfoot.  It won’t introduce you to new people.  It won’t list 347 different ways to braid your hair.  It won’t ever show pictures of abused and bloody animals.  It won’t ever attempt to offend you.  It won’t be the place to come if you are in a hurry as my posts tend to reveal what a blabbermouth I can be whether I’m talking or typing.  It won’t make your nose itch or cause your eyes to burn and it won’t attempt to convince you of something you already knew because these things have already been done.  If you don’t believe me, surf the internet and Facebook for a few minutes.

It will, however, be a place you can come and take a seat in the tiny little canoe that is my brain and glide softly over the gentle waves of experience that have accumulated over the course of my life.  I have readers in 39 states and 41 countries now but for some reason, I still find myself searching for a bit of encouragement.  That’s silly, isn’t it?  I suppose that would suggest I am still struggling with the idea of believing in myself.

I hope you are enjoying my posts.  If you have any suggestions on ways I could make my blog a more interesting place to visit, please share them.

It’s time for me to go.  I hope your week is going well.  Mine has been a bit generic but I plan to keep the windows to my heart and soul open wide.  That almost always allows some very interesting colors to sneak in!

5 responses to “Should I Keep Typing?”

  1. Bev, your blog and your posts continue to amuse, enlighten, entertain! Thank you for (finally) putting your “pen to paper”, as they say. Or, in this case, fingers to keyboard! Congratulations on a job well done!!!

    • I decided to read some other blogs last night and began to realize mine may not be all that blog-worthy. Thanks so much Val for your kind and encouraging words!

    • Thanks so much Karla! I shouldn’t doubt myself but it’s what I do best! Have a wonderful day and know you’ve made mine extra bright!

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