Paying With A Smile

Have you ever bought a pair of earrings with a smile?  That was the going price on the most unique pair of earrings I had seen in awhile.  I ran across them last Saturday as I was leaving work.  Typically costume jewelry will be silver or gold colored but the hardware on these were copper colored.  They had a glass bead hanging from each one that was turquoise with small waves of coppery glitter running through it.  They were one of several pairs our jewelry class instructor had on display and when she saw that I liked them she said, “Do you want them?”  I said, “It depends on the price.”  She said, “Give me a smile and they’re yours.”  Deals like this just don’t come around every day so I gave her a smile and asked if she was sure and she said, “Just do something nice for someone else.  That’s all I ask.”

I do my best to be nice all the time.  Some days I pull it off but some days my hormonal, stubborn, ugly side prevails and I fail miserably.  I have a feeling my failure rate on my “nice-less” days is going to change for the better due to the fact that I have a promise to uphold and some very unique, glittery little baubles to keep that promise fresh in my mind!

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