The Answer

Can you solve this riddle?

I’m betting there are no other statements in the world more true than the one I live by, laugh at and love. It’s short and to the point.  It eases stress if you believe it. It helps you laugh at yourself when you’ve really messed up and it’s the key ingredient necessary if you ever want to savor the sweetness of unconditional love.  Any ideas on what you think it might be?

Nobody is perfect.

This is the answer to my riddle.

We all make mistakes every day.  We all have insecurities that can sometimes put distance between where we are and where we dream to be but it doesn’t mean life can’t be rewarding.  One of my biggest insecurities is the fact that I’ve always been overweight.  Excess weight is an insecurity that is pretty hard to hide.  You carry it with you everywhere and sooner or later you will receive some very open opinions on what someone else thinks of this “obvious imperfection” they see before them.    I’ve decided the people that take it upon themselves to educate you about your excessive weight have some of the lowest levels of self esteem in existence.  Think about it.  The “declarers of the obvious” usually weigh less, at least mine have, and they almost appear to be afraid that you might see something they don’t want you to see so by getting a jab in first, they know they’ll offend you and you’ll walk away in shame.

I’ll never forget two of the times when I was being mocked due to my excessive weight.    One was back years ago when I was entering a store.  There were two young guys in a car and they decided they should laugh and shout out some disturbing comments and honk the horn.  I could have kept walking but I decided to try something just a bit different.  I walked over to their car and offered my hand to them.  They actually shook my hand.  I proceeded to introduce myself.  I’ve never seen two young men sit up so straight so fast in my life.  They both looked so shocked and I’d be willing to bet their shorts were as full as their throats when it came time to say “hello” to me.  I figured, if they want to mock and torment me, they might as well know just a little bit more about me and having to face me was most likely one of the hardest things they had ever done.  I have no idea who they were but for some reason, I’ll bet they never forgot me.

The second situation took place at a buffet type restaurant.  There was a table with two young girls and a young guy.  I was preparing to leave and they decided to throw some rather inconsiderate words my way.  Little did they know I was the type that would stop dead in my tracks and head on over to their table and introduce myself.  I’ll never forget how their demeanor went from laughing hysterically to complete silence when they saw me coming.  These introductions are always so much more uncomfortable for the hecklers than they have been for me.  I don’t think any of them realized what was about to happen and I’m betting they thought twice before tormenting someone again.

Like I said earlier, I don’t honestly believe people that bully and torment others enjoy what they’re doing as much as we might think.  I believe it’s their “suit of armor” that protects them from letting us see their insecurities.  My dad would always say, “I’m no better than anyone else but I’m just as good.”  My mom has always said, “The only people that make mistakes are the ones that are actually doing something.”  I try to remember those words and do my best to live life to the fullest.  I know I’ve hurt people.  I know I’ve said some things I wish I could take back.  Sometimes I misspell words while typing.  Sometimes I forget to do something I know I shouldn’t have forgotten to do.  Sometimes I say the wrong thing.  Sometimes I’m careless.  But I’m human 100% of the time.  I get out of bed every morning and try to put my best foot forward.  It takes time to shower and do my hair and apply my makeup but I do it anyway.  I’ll never be a size 6 but over time I’m beginning to realize that I’ve never liked anyone for the size clothes  they wear.  I’ve been drawn in by intelligence, wit, charm, great senses of humor, warm hearts, protective natures but not once did I find myself determining who I was going to like best by how much they weighed.  I just wish it hadn’t taken almost 50 years to figure out I am perfectly imperfect right along with everybody else!

The whole point of this “riddle” is to help us remember that we’re all human.  We all have insecurities and we don’t have to allow them to consume us.  Let’s confront our fears and open all those doors and windows to this exciting world we share and make the most of each and every day!  Fat, skinny, short, tall, white, black, brown, yellow, red, rich or poor, we all matter and we’re all unique in our very own fantastic way!

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