Embellishing The Ordinary

In general, I’m a pretty happy person.  I suffer normal setbacks but I try not to let them consume me.  Some people drag on rainy days.  I sort of like a rainy day once in a while.  They aren’t as pleasant as the sunny variety but in my wild imagination, those are the times when the little pixies and fairies come out.  Doesn’t it always look like it has just rained when you see those kinds of pictures?  Some of you are thinking, she’s crazy about now but some of you are entering “pictures of fairies and pixies” into your search box and taking a look for yourself. For those of you that fear I’ve plummeted off the deep end, you will be glad to know I’ve never actually seen a pixie or a fairy.  I’m just always prepared, in case I do.

I’ve always had a pretty colorful imagination and I can’t say it’s hindered any part of my life.  It just embellishes the ordinary and makes my existence a bit more whimsical.  I knew Santa wasn’t “real” at a very young age but going along with this idea made it so much more fun.   I was able to figure it out due to the fact that I watched Barnaby Jones, The Rockford Files and Quincy with my mom and I paid attention.   As a result I became a bit of a detective and it didn’t take long to realize the presents under my parents bed visible to anyone climbing the stairs backwards and peering under the railing surrounding the staircase were definitely not wrapped in any of the paper our gifts under the tree were wrapped in.  The gifts “Santa” would leave for us were always wrapped with that paper I saw from my detective work and those boxes under my parents bed were always gone on the morning in question (Christmas Day).  I never let on that I had figured out the technical aspects of the “Santa” theory and in my heart I will always believe that Santa is real.  He’s just not a flesh and blood person but rather a presence in my life that fills me with joy at the very mention of his name.  He’s right up there with the Easter Bunny and the Tooth Fairy and I’m quite sure their magic will always be a part of who I am.

My life isn’t perfect and I’m perfectly okay with that.  I like to encourage others to laugh more and stress less.  I share a bit of my whimsy with almost everyone I meet and it’s almost always accepted with open arms.  I do occasionally run into those “stick in the mud” types but they don’t bother me.  I stuff them in the “It’s not me, it’s them” folder and then I pick up my hypothetical glitter and move on with my day.

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