Angels Among Us

Today didn’t get off to a bad start.  I only hit the snooze button once.  I was showered and ready for work early and the sun was shining.  My work day started out quite slow but eventually the flow of customers began to pick up and before long I found myself having some rather interesting chats as I typically do.  I really didn’t expect anything all that special to happen but that’s when it usually does.

Two ladies approached the checkout.  One was probably in her late 70’s and the other was most likely in her 50’s.  I remember the older of the two asking me about the availability of a product they weren’t able to locate in the store and I suggested they check our website.  The older lady said, “That’s what everyone says.  Check the website, check the website.  I get so tired of hearing that suggestion.”  I agreed with her and then our conversation shifted into one about a business down the street closing and how hard it is to keep businesses staffed and also how difficult it is to find reliable workers.  I commented about how surprised I was at how low the pay for jobs can be in a city this size and then I uttered something about wondering why I was even working where I was knowing that I would never be able to get ahead with what I make.  The elderly lady nodded in agreement and started to walk away.  The younger one looked at me and with one of the most sincere and heartfelt tones I have ever heard she said, “God has an amazing plan for you.”  She walked a few steps and then looked back at me with a reassuring smile that filled me with peace.  It was almost as if she was checking me off the list she was assigned this morning before she left Heaven.

I do honestly believe there are angels among us.  The one I visited with today had beautiful brown hair, sparkling brown eyes, a pleasant smile and a few simple, yet powerful words of encouragement for a woman that sometimes allows herself to believe she will never get ahead and that she has nothing all that special to offer the world.

I loved today.  I hope you did too.

2 responses to “Angels Among Us”

  1. Wow! So encouraging! I do believe in “angels”, among other things.
    I also believe things happen for a reason, even though we sometimes don’t like it.
    There is a purpose, that we don’t always see.

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