10,000 A Day

I have a personality sort of like the weather.  It seems it’s always changing and hopefully not terribly predictable except to one guy!  I have my sunny moments and my rainy days.  I have calm moments and if you ask Don he would most likely tell you I can be a bit breezy at times!

When I first moved in with Don, I crossed a state line, quit my job and moved to a city where I knew no one.  The first few months were a bit rough and I still laugh when I recall the reason Don came up with for my feelings of sadness and isolation.  I was used to working.  I hadn’t been unemployed since third grade.  I so wanted to enjoy the two months off I was giving myself but fear of finding a job consumed me.  I was used to getting up in the morning and I was used to chattering all day long with people and Don determined that I have a need to exchange at least 10,000 words a day in order to be happy.  On the days when the minimum has not been met, he knows.   He’s an incredibly focused man so he gives his all to whatever it is he is doing.  When he’s watching television, he watches television.  If I make an attempt to chat with him he will mute the tv and give me his undivided attention.  Once I finish my thought he will usually ask me if I’m done and then continue on with what he was watching.  When he’s brushing his teeth, he’s brushing his teeth.  I’m not sure why but that is one of my favorite times to unload a bunch of information and I always forget that he’s going to say, “I can’t make out what you’re saying.  I’m brushing my teeth.  When he’s ready for bed, he’s ready for bed.  If I continue talking when he’s trying to sleep he will usually say, “You didn’t make it to 10,000 today, did you?”  It’s unfortunate, but on this one, he’s probably right.  I’ve never had anyone in my life that was able to decipher my intricately woven code until now.  I suppose I could let this bother me but it really doesn’t.  The bottom line is he thinks I talk a lot.  We have tons of wonderful conversations but on the days my minimum has not been met, I make several attempts to meet my quota and he is the lucky recipient of all those residual thoughts I feel I must shower upon at least two listening ears!   He doesn’t always willingly offer them but he is someone that comforts me when I’m “rainy”, shares my “sunshine”and he’s predicting a wonderful future for us in the years ahead!

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