There’s Always A Butt

I was working tonight with a wonderful young gal.  She’s very pleasant and upbeat.  She does her best to accommodate our customers butt….there’s always a butt, isn’t there?  She has a habit of leaning over the counter when she’s jotting down numbers and leaning over the counter when she’s cutting fabric and leaning over the counter when she’s rolling remnants and tonight the moon was almost more than I could handle!  It was a crescent moon and due to the fact that I saw it one too many times out of the corner of my eye I would have to say it was at least 9 inches by 18 inches and there was a whole lot more crack there than I wanted to see!  Most people would probably just let it go but as I approach 50 I believe menopause may be moving in a few things.  It’s not completely unpacked but I do think it has made it’s mind up about settling in sometime soon and I’m almost positive it is what made me say, “You’ve got a whole lotta moon going on there tonight!”  I wanted to just go up to her and take a hold of those low riding britches and hike ’em up but we have a lot of cameras and I didn’t want the people that watch our every move to choke on their skittles.

Perhaps I’m a bit too modest but our mother had ways of letting us know that too much bare skin was inappropriate and for some reason, my sister and I are still both very careful about the skin we’re willing to show.  She has started to wear tank tops.  She’s such a rebel!  (She’ll love that line!) I’m not there yet but mainly because I hate my fat arms.  I’ve started wearing tops cut a tiny bit lower than the turtleneck level I’m quite fond of and we’re both willing to sport a rather nice assortment of capris in the summer.   I realize some people are just incredibly comfortable in their own skin and I sort of wish I was a little more comfortable than I am but never, ever, ever will you see a 9 x 18 crescent moon shining brightly on my back side!

I’ve been standing on my soap box quite a bit lately and the crowd that gathers usually laughs at me but I do have valid points and there are just some things menopause won’t allow me to overlook.  I don’t think anyone with 20/100 vision or worse could have missed that moon tonight.  I’ve never exposed my buns in public and I always wonder about the people that do.  Can they not feel a draft?  Do they not care?  Did they not have a mother that taught them what skin was appropriate to reveal and what skin wasn’t? I am here to tell you, I know where my pants and all other parts of my outfit are almost all the time.  (There was that one exception I refer to in my post entitled “Getting Dressed In The Dark Is A Gamble” but I flick the switch now or lay things out the night before which has helped tremendously.) Years ago when I was in high school, our biology teacher put a parka on the skeleton in the science lab with a sign that said, “I’m modest.”  I didn’t know what modest meant at the time but if I had I would have patted those bones on the back and said, “I completely understand!”

One response to “There’s Always A Butt”

  1. OMG I thought about this this morning after I was reading it I was laughing so hard because there’s this Man at work that shows his all the time it’s gross!!! Great story!

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