New Homes Aren’t Always Permanent

The other night Don and I were playing cards and listening to music and it was such a nice night.  I’m not sure there is anything more relaxing than spending time with the one you love doing something you both enjoy.  We play “Hand and Foot” and although we always say the victories belong to the one that gets the right cards, we both know there is a certain degree of strategy involved.  Due to the fact that he has been playing this game far longer than me is part of the reason his strategy is usually victorious.  I am not one to get incredibly worked up over games and once in a while I win and we always have fun.

The other night we were several rounds into the game when the CD player began to act sort of weird.  Don pushed a few buttons on the remote but eventually decided he needed to walk over to the CD player and investigate.  I said, “It might need to be cleaned.”  He agreed and reached into the cabinet for the canned air.  He positioned the tiny, little red, air delivering straw into the opening of the CD player, pressed the button on the top of the can and POOOOOOF!  The air came out of the can and took the straw with it, into the CD player!  The look on his face was priceless!  I wanted to laugh but knew what had just happened could possibly damage the equipment so I bit my lip and tried to come up with something that would ease the disbelief written all over Don’s face!

Several days have passed.  The straw is still nestled safely inside it’s new home and everything seems to be working just fine.  I know Don isn’t okay with the “new home” of the little red straw so I predict, in the not so distant future, the new tenant will be looking over it’s eviction notice being personally delivered to it by Don!

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