Getting Dressed In The Dark Is A Gamble

I no longer get ready for work in the dark.  Years ago I did this quite often and I think it had something to do with the fact that I have never been much of a morning person and I suppose I thought that if I didn’t turn the light on while I was getting dressed my brain would, in some way, think it was still sleeping.  I know this doesn’t make any sense but I was in my early twenties and it made sense to me, up until one particular day.  I had decided to wear my bright turquoise dress with the black button trim.  I reached in my drawer and pulled out a pair of dark colored nylons and proceeded to assemble myself for the long day ahead.  Once the clothes were in place I reluctantly turned on the light in my bedroom so that I could curl my hair and apply my daily dose of makeup.  I didn’t bother to do a final inspection before leaving but felt pretty confident I was one coordinated kind of gal.  I’m not sure why but some outfits give you sort of a lift.  For me it’s typically an outfit where everything flows like this one.  I loved my black and turquoise dress and my black nylons and black flats.  Together they gave me that “I can take on the world!” kind of feeling.  I strolled into work and just knew it was going to be one of those stellar days as I was feeling mighty spiffy!  After several hours on the retail floor I headed back to take a break and it was one of those breaks where you sit down on one chair and hike your legs up on another chair and simply r-e-l-a-x.  Ahhhhhh is usually the sound you’ll emit as it feels so good to sit down if only for a short time but the second the hiking my legs onto the other chair happened I almost choked on the diet coke I was taking a sip of.  My dark nylons weren’t black at all, they were OLIVE GREEN!  Can you imagine Miss Matchie-poo wearing such a gross combination?!!!  Turquoise and olive green!  Yuck!  I ran to the bathroom and took them off and threw them in the garbage and during my lunch break I headed to the store to buy a pair of black ones.  I can honestly say I check everything very carefully now when I get dressed, just to be sure!  Lesson learned:  Be careful on the days you decide to hold your head up high as you might just stumble on a heaping  helping of humility somewhere along the way!

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