Unique Little “Loretta”

I work retail and I never know what will transpire during the conversations I have with customers.  Some of them put a smile on my face as well as in my heart and today, that is exactly what happened.  A woman came up to the counter with some questions about the fabric she had chosen to use as a background in a shadow box she was making.  She had a cute little girl standing next to her holding a wood cat mask in front of her face.  All I could see were her hazel eyes peeking through the holes.  Her mom was dominating the conversation with me but she snatched a tiny little opportunity when no one was talking to tell me she really liked kitties.  Then she told me she liked to act like a kitty and proceeded to meow and prowl around.  Her mother continued with more questions and then explained more details about the shadow box.  Once all the necessary materials were gathered, measured and cut the customer added them to her shopping cart and turned to walk away.  The very well mannered kitten turned away from the counter as well and began to follow her mother.  Seconds later she paused,  turned her face away from the mask, glanced in my direction and said, “My name is Tru but I like to call myself Loretta.”  I did not see that coming.  It tickled me and my coworker that had witnessed the visit and I decided, if ever I could spend a day with “Loretta”  it would most likely give me material to write about for a very, very long time!

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