Hello And Welcome To My World!

Here it is!  My first official thoughts, on paper, for all the world to see! Are you as excited as I am? If not, get excited!  Together we’re going to take a very in depth look at just how amazing every day life can be.  Watch closely as you might be the shining star in one of my future short stories, as I love to write about people and their unique effect on this crazy world we all share. What’s even better is how excited I am that I can sit in front of my computer and lay the ground work for my book while in my pajamas, wearing yesterdays makeup under my eyes and sporting hair that would make you scream or perhaps laugh uncontrollably if you’re the “strong stomach” type.  I have no idea how things will go but I am almost 100% sure I will never get tired of showing up for this kind of work.  Your comments will always be welcome.  I’m going to ask that you keep them as positive as you can for at least the first 10 or 20 years so that I can get comfortable with my new surroundings.  Should you decide to share a negative opinion, all I ask is that you write it out on a piece of paper 150 times first and if you still feel the need to pick on me, go for it.  I know all about that 150 times business and trust me, it works. Since following this procedure I never shared my 5th grade math answers with anyone ever again.  I’m not sure that was relevant but who cares.  It might have made some of you other “150 times” writers chuckle just a bit.  It’s time for me to go.  I have steak cooking in the pressure cooker and even though I’ve never actually heard that anyone ever had a pressure cooker explode, I still like to keep a watchful eye on that contraption.  There’s still room for my “moment of fame” as I haven’t had mine yet and with my luck it would be my face on the news glaring out the gaping hole in the kitchen wall all because I didn’t keep an eye on that darn pressure cooker!  Have a wonderful day and thanks for finishing the first of many phenomenal thoughts from this gray matter enclosed in my skull!

13 responses to “Hello And Welcome To My World!”

  1. I am so looking forward to reading your blog. You are so inspirational to many, as well as being so very funny! Thanks for writing and am looking to reading more!

  2. this is so exciting–I have never read anyone’s blog before–so in a sense–we r both beginers —should be lots of fun–now I will be out of town for awhile so if u don’t get a comment from me–don’t think I’m not right there with u—my daughter has a new computer and I am not real familiar with it..good luck and God bless……

  3. I can’t wait to read your posts! You make me smile with Facebook so I can only imagine this will be better! Miss seeing your smiling face every morning, but at least I can still enjoy your take on life!

  4. Good blog, love reading about your days at work and throughout your life. I am wanting to know who did you share your math with, Chris, Jill or myself since it was just usually the four of throughout grade school? Looking forward to your new adventures.

  5. How did the steak in the pressure cooker turn out? 🙂 I saved a link to your blog and am waiting for the next posting!!!!

  6. I am excited for this Blog.I look forward to your posts everyday. You have such a way with words & can see the up side on any situation! I can’t wait! Good luck!

  7. This was a great start to your blog, Bev! Your stories on Facebook always put a smile on my face so I expect no less from your blog. You go, girl!

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